Class 10th Information Technology 402 Word Processing (Intermediate) Solution Kips

Class 10th Information Technology 402 Word Processing (Intermediate) Solution Kips

UNIT-II Word Processing (Intermediate)

Class 10th Information Technology 402 Word Processing (Intermediate) Solution Kips

Session 1:Modifying Layout Of A Paragraph

Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
2.Home Tab
4. 1.15

B.Fill in the blanks:
1.Tab stops

C.Answer the following questions:
1. While writing any report ,letters or stories ,paragraphs are used to break continuous text to one or more sentences to enhance the readability of the context .

2. Various Tab Stops in MS Word are:
i. Left Tab: Left aligns the text at the Tab stop.
ii. Right Tab: Right aligns the text at the tab stop
iii. Center Tab: It centers the text at the tab stop
iv. Decimal Tab: This tab aligns the decimal numbers using the decimal point. v. Bar Tab: It draws the vertical line on the document

3. Indentation is the process of Increasing or decreasing  the space between the left and right margin of a paragraph. In MS Word there are four types of Indents:
i. Left Indent
ii. Right Indent
iii. First Line Indent
iv. Hanging Indent

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Session: 2- Managing Headers

Assessment Time

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Esc
2. Close Header and Footer
3. Update Automatically
4. Page Number

B.Fill in the blanks:
1. Header
2. Header& Footer
3. Picture, Desig

C.Answer the following questions:
1. In MS Word the title of the document that appears at the top of the page is called header.

2. The items that can be added to the header are:
i. Date and Time
ii. Page Number
iii. Picture

3. Steps to Insert Date and Time in the Header section are as follows:
i. Double click anywhere in the header section to unlock it.
ii. Click on Date and Time option in the Insert group on the Design Tab.
iii. Select a date format in the Date and Time Dialog box that appears.
iv. Select the check box update automatically to reflect the current date always.
v. Click on ok . The date/Time now appears in the document.
vi. Click on close Header/Footer option in the close group on the design Tab to exit from the Header section.

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Session: 3- Managing Footers
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Footer
2. Design

B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Footer
2. Insert

C. Answer the following questions:
1. Suppose I have to print a page number at the bottom of every page in a 100 pages book , I will follow the following steps:
i. I will open the soft copy of book in MSWORD.
ii. Will select the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
iii. Will click on the drop down arrow of the footer option in the Header and Footer Group.
iv. A drop down menu will appear which will list the predefined footer style. 
v. Now Insert  page numbers  in the footer area.
vi. Once finished, click on Close Header and Footer in the close group on the design tab.

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Session: 4- Managing Styles
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. New Style
2. Modify

B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Style
2. New Style
3. Style

C. Answer the following questions:
1. A style is a predefined combination of various formatting features and types like font style, size and color of text, that is applied to the selected text in the document to quickly change its appearance.

2. Styles can be managed as per the requirement of the document through Manage Styles in the Style task pane which allows the user to edit/modify any style.

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Session: 5- Document Template
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Blank Document
2. Word Template
3. New From Existing

B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Templates
2. .dot/.dotx
3. Recent templates
C. Answer the following questions:
1. Templates are the sample documents which already has some details in place in the form of the pictures or text and can be edited to be used in word processing text . It is preformatted in some way with sample content, themes , colors, font styles, back ground styles etc. These templates are helpful in the sense as they gives an Initial foundation to build a document.

2. A blank template can be created through following steps:
i. Click on New option on the file tab. A gallery of templates will be displayed in which by default blank document option is selected.
ii. Click on create button.
iii. A new document will open up . Makeup the necessary changes in terms of page layout , margins, settings, orientation, styles etc.
iv. Once done , click on save as option in the File Tab.
v. Specify the file name and select Word Template in the save as type list box and click the save button.

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Session: 6- Working With Page And Section Break
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Page Break
2. Ctrl+Enter
3. Page Layout
4. Text Wrapping
5. Show/Hide

B. Fill in the blank:
1. Page, Section
2. Pages
3. Ctrl+Enter
4. Enter
5. Show/Hide
6. Delete

C. Answer the following questions:
1. Column break causes the following text to begin at the top of the next column. If in case page is not pre- divided into columns , the column break functions the same as page break. Column break can be Inserted through following steps:
i. Click on the text where you want to insert column break.
ii. Select the break button on the page layout tab in the page setup group.
iii. Click on the column option from the drop down menu.
iv. The text will shift to next column to reflect a column break.

2. There are four types of section breaks in Word 2010:
i. Next page: It starts a new section on the next page.
ii. Continuous: It starts a new section on the same page.
iii. Even Page: It starts a new page on next even numbered page.
iv. Odd Page: It starts a new section on the next odd numbered page.

3. To show/hide section break or page break, click on the show/hide option on the Home Tab in the paragraph group to show/ hide the section/Page break in a document.

4. To delete page break/ section break in a document press delete from the keyboard. The section/ page break gets removed.

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Session: 7- Applying Character Format
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Text Highlighting Color
2. Subscript
3. Capitalize Each Word
4. Font Group

B. Fill in the Blanks:
1.  Character
2. Font Face
3. Text Highlight color
4. Shrink font
5. Clear Formatting
6. Sentence
7. Subscript

C. Answer the following questions:
1. The various options available in change case icon in Microsoft Word are:
i. Sentence Case: The first character of the first word of the selected sentence is capitalized.
ii. Lowercase: The selected text is converted into lower case.
iii. Uppercase: The selected sentence is converted to capital letters.
iv. Capitalize Each Word: The first character of all the words in the selected sentence is capitalized.
v. Toggle Case: The small letters in the selected sentence will be converted to capital letters and capital letters are converted into small letters
2. Font color is used to change the color of the text whereas Text highlight color is used to change the background color of the text.

3. A subscript or superscript is a character(number, letter or symbol) that is positioned slightly lower or slightly higher than the normal text position respectively. It is usually smaller than the rest of the text.
i. E.g. Subscript :H20 ,CO2
ii. E.g. Superscript: 23 ,X3/4 

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Session: 8- Insert Graphical Objects and illustrations
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Picture
2. All of these
3. Ctrl C+Ctrl V
4. Insert

B.  Fill in the blanks:
1.  Clipart
2. Illustration
3. Image Compression

C. Answer the following questions:
1. Text and graphic Illustrations such as picture, clipart, shapes, smart art. Charts  and the objects created in other applications etc are known as objects in MS Word.

2. The other sources to Insert images are:
i. Insert image from file
ii. Insert  image from  clipart

3. To insert an image from file click on Insert tab-Picture option in the Illustraton group-select the file from the picture is to be Inserted---The picture will be Inserted.

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Session: 9- Text Wrapping
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Format/Page layout
2. Drop Cap
3. 30
4. In line with text

B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Drop cap
2. Wrap text , Format/page layout
3. In line with text

C.  Answer the following questions:
1. Through various Text Wrapping Options, the text is adjusted along with the picture in the document.

2. The three text wrapping options are:
 i. In line with text
ii. Square
iii. Tight

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Session: 10- Inserting Objects
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. All of these
2. Object
3. Double click

B. Fill in the blanks:
1.  Object
2. Text
3. Double click

C. Answer the following questions:
1. The important points to be kept in mind while embedding any object in a document are as follows:
I. The embedded objects cannot be printed.
II. The person opening the document must have the relevant software loaded on his computer to operate the embedded file.
III. If you embed an object , the size of the document increases significantly and this may cause problem in emailing the document as an attachment.

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Session: 11- Insert Shapes Symbols And Special Characters
Assessment Time:

A.Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Shapes
2. Insert
3. More symbols

B. Answer the following questions:
1. We use shapes in MSWord to give strong Impact to the to the message to be conveyed.

2. If banner is to be made, we will select banner from stars and banner sub option in shape option of Insert tab.

3. Text in any shape can be placed by right clicking on the shape and selecting the Add Text option from the shortcut menu.

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